« ⵉⴼⴻⵕⴳⴰⵏ · Ifergan »

Mohamed Arejdal

Du 30 Janvier au 29 Mars

CM Galerie

The famous artist who decided to create the permanent artwork ‘Who holds Africa holds the Sky’ on the roof of the gallery comes back with his third solo exhibition ‘ⵉⴼⴻⵕⴳⴰⵏ · Ifergan’.

Mohamed Arejdal has laid the foundations for a multidisciplinary practice in which he explores the links between social groups that he questions through his encounters and travels. His artistic performances play a key role in his work, and he never hesitates to question the public about his status as an artist or the meaning of powerful symbols.

The interest of his art lies in what connects people, their origins, memories, territories, tropisms, movements, existential conditions, beliefs and religious practices. He seeks them out and explores them, convinced that what connects each being to others and to the world in a more general and universal way is to be found in what is most limited and specific. His works find their material and nourishing source above all in the artist’s own history and personal memory, linked to the territories in which his life has unfolded and to which he remains viscerally attached. The individual is not cut off from the collective, nor the collective from the individual, and this interweaving is a permanent feature of his work as a whole.

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